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Trophies & Awards

Any errors, omissions or updates to these data should be reported to the SBYC Historian

Cruising Trophy

Awarded to the member(s) who have displayed the greatest participation in Club Cruises during the past year (nominated by the Fleet Captain).
Trophy has engraving:  “Must Go Down To The Sea Again”
This trophy was repurposed in 2006.  Originally it was a “Poet’s Award.”  

Fairlead Trophy

Awarded to the member who, in the past year, has given outstanding service and/or shown exceptional sportsmanship in the development and encouragement of safe yachting.
Normally, executive members are excluded from this award as service and sportsmanship are deemed part of an executive member’s obligation.  However, exceptions may be made in the case of service or sportsmanship “above and beyond the call of duty.”

Dedicated and donated by: Arne & Judy Bentzen

Good Seamaritan Award

Awarded to the member(s) who have demonstrated a willingness to give assistance to other boaters in need (despite the circumstances).

This trophy has been repurposed.  “Gulf Islands Trophy” is engraved on the bowl.  In 1981 the trophy was called “Gulf Islands Star Class Championship.”  Donated by the English Bay Star Fleet it was presumably awarded to the winner of a Star Class Race, but the records are hard to find.

Dedicated & Donated by: English Bay Star Fleet

Marlin Spike Seamanship Award

Awarded to the skipper who has made an outstanding nautical passage (or passages) during the past year. In 1979 the award was called “Sailing and Marlinspike (Jr Achievement)” and appears to have been repurposed in 1994.

Dedicated and donated by: S & S Hardware and Building Supply

Membership Advancement Trophy

Awarded to a member making an outstanding contribution to attracting, training and/or maintaining new members to SBYC.  This award may recognize multiple year contributions and is not necessarily awarded every year.  Normally the incumbent Membership chair is not eligible for this award.

Prior to 2014, the award was to member(s) sponsoring the most new members during the previous year.  In 2014, the Executive restricted the award to members sponsoring more than three (not achieved in 2014).  In 2015, new criteria (above) were adopted.

Off Course Compensator Award

Awarded to the member committing the greatest nautical faux pas of the year as determined by election by the membership, frequently accompanied by much good-natured laughter.

Donated by: Denis Maze and is also known as the Faux Pas Award

Sailpast Award – Sail Division

Awarded to the “best dressed” sailboat in the previous year’s sailpast. The criteria shall include compliance with:

1) Sailpast and salute protocol;
2) flag etiquette; and
3) other criteria as rated by a judging committee appointed by the Executive.

These criteria are detailed in the document Sailpast Protocol and Judging Criteria, last updated in 2013.

A companion award is made for power boats.

Before 1995, the sail and power boats were awarded the same trophy – the present sail trophy

Criteria have changed over the years:
1977 – “best dressed vessel;”
1978 – “for the most ship-shape vessel;”
1986 – “for the best presented power and sail boats at Sailpast;”
2013 – as above.

Dedicated and Donated by: Richardson Marine Ltd.

Sailpast Award – Power Division

Awarded to the “best dressed” power boat in the previous year’s sailpast. The criteria shall include compliance with:

1) Sailpast and salute protocol;
2) flag etiquette; and
3) other criteria as rated by a judging committee appointed by the Executive.
These criteria are detailed in the document Sailpast Protocol and Judging Criteria, last updated in 2013.

A companion award is made for power boats.

In 1995, a new Sailpast trophy was dedicated for power boats.  Only recipients after 1995 are shown on this new trophy.  Before 1995, the sail and power boats were awarded the same trophy –  the present sail trophy.

Talent Award

Awarded to a member or members who have exhibited “rare” talents at club events during the past year.

Originally this award was named “Annual Sailing Trophy.”  It was rededicated in 1985: To that sailor, not on the executive who contributes to the betterment of the club.  After 1991 this award was rededicated for the best ….

The first talent night was held on February 23rd, 1991.  There were seven skits performed:

“Wheels of Misfortune,” a poem
“Boating Jeopardy,” – boating Q & A
“The Saliva Bay Boys,” – lip-syncing
“The Scuppers,” – songs
“A Sea Verse,” – I Must Go Down to the Sea Again by John Masefield
“Knot Me,” – skit on nautical knots
“The Last Surprise,” – skit