A membership is deemed to be lapsed if the annual dues are unpaid after the “late grace period” of March 31st. Note that a $20.00 late fee is added to dues unpaid after January 31st.
To request reinstatement of a lapsed membership, a former member must meet the following criteria: (refer also to Section 1.5.1 of the club bylaws)
- Have not let membership lapse for more than three years; (After three years, follow the New Member protocols including payment of initiation fee)
- Meet the current residency requirements;
- The “Reinstatement of Lapsed Membership Application Form is available in both printed and online versions and can be found under “Membership/Forms” above. Select the appropriate format for your purposes. Send or submit the completed form together with the reinstatement fee of $50.00 and the current year’s dues.
- A returning member is assumed to be in possession of a current club burgee and name tag(s). If they no longer have these items they must obtain replacements from the Membership Chair at the current cost.
- Final decision on reinstatement rests entirely with the club Executive.